Your Guide to Debt and BankruptcyYour Guide to Debt and Bankruptcy

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Your Guide to Debt and Bankruptcy

About 10 years ago, I secured my dream job with one of the largest corporations in the country. The job came with a substantial increase in pay and I soon looked for a large house for my family. After living the life I dreamed of, I was let go from my current position. I had a large amount of savings, but the economy took a turn for the worse and savings were quickly drained. I soon became stressed about finances. I could not pay the mortgage and bill collectors started to call my house. I refused to be defeated though, so I met with a bankruptcy attorney instead. I live a much simpler life now with my family, and I want you to know that financial stress does not have to affect you for years. Read my blog to learn about bankruptcy, debt laws, and how to hire an attorney.

5 Ways Facebook Is Ruining Your Personal Injury Or Family Law Case

The only thing worse than getting injured is losing your personal injury or family law case. Today, Facebook is becoming a big reason why people lose their cases. The reason for this is that your posts and status updates could actually be used against you. The people researching information about you for the case can find even private information. Screenshots can really take the wind out of your sails when it comes to your case, and even private profiles can be submitted as evidence. Here's how Facebook could be working against you:

1. Photos show that you were active.

Obviously, if you have been severely injured, you will not be able to participate in all of your favorite physical activities. If you have photos of yourself dancing, hiking, or playing football, you may be demonstrating that your injury was not as severe as you claim it to be. Even photos of you dancing at a wedding can harm your case. You should never misrepresent the level of activity you can participate in after an injury.

2. Photos and updates prove you haven't lost much.

On the flip side, if you weren't participating in athletic activities before the injury, you may not be able to prove that you lost your ability to participate in them. While you may still have a personal injury case, you may not be able to prove that you have lost very much because of the injury.

3. Photos show that you already had an injury.

If you have written about a previous personal injury on your Facebook profile, another lawyer or insurance company could make a case that the condition was pre-existing. It is best not to discuss injuries and other lawsuits on your profile if you can help it.

4. Your profile makes you sound like a frequent litigant.

Have you been involved in a personal injury lawsuit in the past? It could be that your previous case (and talking about it) makes you seem like a constant litigant. This could look petty in court, so it is a good idea to get rid of those discussions and cease any recent conversations.

5. Your profile shows that you are an unfit parent.

If you are in a custody battle, you need to be careful about the things you post online. An attorney can assassinate your character if you have talked about using drugs or even having a few drinks. Your reputation and custody of your child are at stake.

One bit of advice for those suing for a personal injury or family law case: stay off social media. Posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Snapchat can severely damage your case.

For more information or to discuss your options if you have already posted things of this nature on social media, contact a personal injury or family law attorney, such as those at Borowiec & Borowiec PC Attorneys At Law, today.