Your Guide to Debt and BankruptcyYour Guide to Debt and Bankruptcy

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Your Guide to Debt and Bankruptcy

About 10 years ago, I secured my dream job with one of the largest corporations in the country. The job came with a substantial increase in pay and I soon looked for a large house for my family. After living the life I dreamed of, I was let go from my current position. I had a large amount of savings, but the economy took a turn for the worse and savings were quickly drained. I soon became stressed about finances. I could not pay the mortgage and bill collectors started to call my house. I refused to be defeated though, so I met with a bankruptcy attorney instead. I live a much simpler life now with my family, and I want you to know that financial stress does not have to affect you for years. Read my blog to learn about bankruptcy, debt laws, and how to hire an attorney.

Using Chapter 31 VA Benefits For A Great Future

If you were injured in the military, you have an opportunity to make a new start. Whether you need to step away from a dangerous way of living or can't market your military skill sets easily for consistent, significant money, the Department of Veterans Affairs Chapter 31 benefits can help you get on the right track. Here are a few details to help you utilize the benefits to their maximum potential, along with a few tips in case your future training becomes a bit tricky. Read More 

Understanding Legalities Surrounding The IEP

If you are an educator, then you are required by law to provide all children with access to public education in a manner that is not restrictive. While this is true, you also need to make sure that children with disabilities are given an appropriate education. It can be difficult to directly accommodate each child's needs. This is one reason why an IEP or an individual education program is created for each student. Read More 

5 Things Not To Do After A Serious Car Accident

If you ever find yourself involved in a serious accident, you need to make sure that you take the right steps to ensure safety and protection. Taking the wrong steps may mean you find yourself in a difficult situation later. If you ever have questions or need help, it's best to contact a car accident attorney. Keep reading to learn 5 things that you should not do after an accident. Read More 

5 Things To Consider When Taking Out A Mortgage

Buying a home is definitely an exciting step in life, however, you want to be sure that the excitement doesn't overwhelm you and lead to a potentially bad decision, especially when it comes to taking out a mortgage. The mortgage makes up your monthly budget from here on out, after all. To help you choose the right mortgage, here are five things to consider: The Deposit: Every lender is going to require a different deposit amount. Read More 

Three Ways To Get Ready For Giving A Testimony For A Custody Hearing

If you are going through a custody battle with your child's other parent and your case has gone to trail, you are most likely going to have to testify. Here are a few tips that will help you prepare to testify in front of a family court judge. #1 Remember That The Judge Has Limited Knowledge Of Your Case First off, you need to remember that the judge has limited knowledge of your case. Read More